View Adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Inertia Real Vs Fake Pictures. So whether your sneakers feature the text or not, it is as you can see in the real vs fake yeezy 700 v2 image above, the fake yeezys have their five holes looking a lot bigger, wider and more massive than. Adidas yeezy 700 waverunner real v.s fake comparison| using uvbeast black light.
Adidas yeezy 700 waverunner real v.s fake comparison| using uvbeast black light.
So whether your sneakers feature the text or not, it is as you can see in the real vs fake yeezy 700 v2 image above, the fake yeezys have their five holes looking a lot bigger, wider and more massive than. Today i've got an early review of the upcoming adidas yeezy boost 700 v1 inertia! Music by otis mcdonald pair was bought from adidas canada. The black stitching pattern going up the middle from the midsole on the unauthorized is just a disaster.