Download Ardent Censer Meta Season
Background. It was such a stupid meta, marksmen were even starting relic shield to grant their support more early money so they could rush ardent (and support would skip you also saw non healing supports build ardent + bond of stone just so they could proc ardent. It's absolutely running the worlds meta, forcing nearly everyone onto janna or lulu.
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Ardent censer's bonus healing and shielding passive stacks additively with forbidden idol, mikael's crucible, and redemption. The healing bonus only affects direct heals so health regeneration will be unaffected. Champions like janna and lulu, the main abusers of ardent censer, sit atop the support tier list.
The unique part of the unique passive is so that you don't buy six redemptions or six censers.
Ardent censer bug jarvan iv top gameplay! Aktuell herrscht league of ardent censer in der kluft. Is the ardent censer meta bad for the health of league? Thanks to the extra speed buff trist, xayah and twitch are more than great to take an entire team down.